Peloton / 2007

I made a new video performance work Peloton, for the Radiance Festival, Glasgow. The work, a form of social sculpture was a nocturnal performance in Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow in which a group of cyclists (20+) rode bikes fitted with a blue neon tube activated by each rider's forward motion. Sir William Ramsay (1852-1916) discovered neon at nearby Glasgow University in 1898. Collectively the choreographed cyclists gradually illuminate the black space of the park into a vortex of blue light. Subsequently projected in a partially derelict urban site in the Cities East End, the film became a portable, shifting cipher for time, energy and unidentifiable collective presence.


Peloton 2007

HD digital video projected outdoors for Glasgow Radiance Festival


Peloton 2007

HD digital video projected outdoors for Glasgow Radiance Festival


Peloton 2007

HD digital video projected outdoors for Glasgow Radiance Festival


Peloton 2007

HD digital video projected outdoors for Glasgow Radiance Festival


Peloton 2007

HD digital video projected outdoors for Glasgow Radiance Festival

Peloton 2007

HD digital video projected outdoors for Glasgow Radiance Festival