Making a picture of an object with the purpose of its own making
Steve has been in a room high up in a block of flats and sees the evening light strike the windows of the flats opposite. There is an urgent need to challenge and transform the time and space we are expected to inhabit and this urgency causes a concise and purposeful action to happen in space and time.
A light moves quickly in the room and a trace of this light is left on the image. The image is a sheet of paper that has been passed through a copier machine to print the image. The action will begin a transformation that is beyond the immediate consequences of the action. The transformation is an action beyond the immediate consequences of the image.
He has been standing in the forest and he senses the evening breeze brush against the trees. The making of an image of the action is the beginning of the transformation and the image is digital information transferred to a laptop computer. The making of an object of the image is a continuation of the transformation. A wire shape has been made from the image and a neon object from that shape.
There is an urgent need to challenge and transform the time and space we are expected to inhabit and this urgency causes a concise and purposeful action to happen in space and time. He has been smashing a hard implement against blocks of ice. Smash! The action has begun a transformation that is beyond the immediate consequences of the action.
Tom O'Sullivan